In this online information series, Naomi Vandamme, Healthcare Psychologist and Psychotraumatologist, takes you on a journey of building your resilience and the resilience of your family. The information series is aimed at women who have had to deal with the HELLP syndrome and/or pre-eclampsia. Through a total of 4 series, Naomi will share tips, assignments and information in order for you to build resilience in the aftermath of the HELLP syndrome and/or Pre-Eclampsia.
In block 1 of this series we will focus on the impact of HELLP syndrome and pre-eclampsia on your life, the role of resilience in this, how grief and loss are related to recovery and how you can identify resources already present in your life to build the resilience of yourself and your family.
During Block 2 (mindset) we will further explore some of the resilience resources related to your mindset that have been demonstrated in research as effective. We will dwell on some helpful thought patterns and give you tips on how to recognize non-helpful thoughts in yourself in order for them to change.
Finally, in Block 3 (Behavior) we will look at some research-based resilience resources related to your actions.
By means of tips and assignments we will continue your reflection and share information about how you as a mother can take the first steps in building your own resilience. The examples used throughout the various series of information are often situated around common problems in people who experienced the HELLP syndrome and/or Pre-eclampsia.
Naomi Vandamme herself was confronted with HELLP syndrome in 2016 and almost lost the life of her son and herself. Through this training she hopes to contribute to mothers who want to work with the theme “resilience”. Naomi Vandamme is author of the book “resilience after child trauma” and developed the resilience materials box for caregivers who work with children who have had to deal with trauma. Naomi worked for years in child and adolescent psychiatry and held various managerial and coordinating positions at home and abroad.
The online training is not suitable for mothers who lost their child due to the HELLP syndrome. For these mothers, we hope to offer a more customized information serie in the future that will address mourning issues in more detail.