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ADHD MY PROUD MOMENTS BOOK. Help your child focus and thrive so that they learn to focus on their growth and not the deficits- Get the ADHD My Proud Moments


This growth bundle is a downloadable product consisting of 1 growth bundle with 10 pages of work materials. After purchase, you can find the materials in your account.

This growth bundle belongs to materials box Focus part 2. Coming soon.


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can make it hard for children to stay focused and organized. Our product, the ADHD My Proud Moments Book, helps children with ADHD track their accomplishments and celebrate their successes in an engaging and meaningful way. Parents can also use the book to create a bond with their child by helping them document, share, and discuss their proud moments. With our comprehensive and easy-to-use system, families can now focus on building resilience while managing the challenges of ADHD. This growth bundle is supportive to use in building resilience and mental wellness in your child and family.

  • Growth Bundle ADHD My Proud Moments Book (10 pages).

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