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ADHD Back to Your Task Card. Put your focus back on track now so that you can grow and learn ways to enhance your concentration.


This growth bundle is a downloadable product consisting of 1 growth bundle with 8 pages of work materials. After purchase, you can find the materials in your account.

This growth bundle belongs to materials box Focus part 1.


For people with ADHD, it’s easy to get distracted and difficult to stay focused on any given task. Our ADHD Back to Your Task Card is an innovative solution that helps them stay organized and on track. With our card, users can create meaningful moments of growth with their loved ones as they learn how to be gently reminded of their tasks and assignments. Our card is designed to be fun, engaging and encouraging – allowing users to take back control of their lives, reduce stress, and maximize productivity!

  • Growth Bundle ADHD Back to Your Task Card (8 pages).


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