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Your journey as a Holistic Resilience Journey Facilitator

Are you passionate about empowering children to thrive in life? Picture an approach that goes beyond conventional methods, embracing a holistic philosophy that acknowledges the intricate interplay of different brainareas working together in harmony to support the children you work with in a maximum way.

As a Cerebro Holistico Guide  you will support your clients by tapping into a whole brain and holistic approach to stimulate well-being and resilience like never before! Moreover you’ll be at the forefront of this paradigm shift, empowering your clients on a daily basis to navigate life’s challenges with newfound strength and resilience. You will be  taking children on a journey to discover all the resources they need to deal with the situation at hand, using their whole brain. You will provide them with a variety of whole brain based strategies, stories and self reflections to deal with lives twists and turns. In doing so you will use a holistic brainintegration communication method  so that every of your clients can benefit from a more integrated way of looking at mental health and well-being.



What You’ll Learn:


  • What is resilience from a holistic viewpoint: Gain insights into psychology of resilience to guide your practice effectively.
  • What is a whole brain approach : Gain insight into basic knowledge about the whole brain approach in your work.
  • How to foster resilience from a holistic viewpoint: Grasp the fundamental principles of resilience and its importance in psychological development
  • How to use the CerebroKit in your daily work: Learn to provide impactful workshops during you work with your clients.
  • How to use the CerebroKit in other settings: Learn to provide impactful workshops in educational settings likes schools and daycare centre
  • How to use the Cerebrokit to start your own (side) business in your region.

Becoming a Cerebro Holistico Guide  opens up a world of knowledge and opportunities to guide children and families better on their  journey though life.


What You’ll Receive during your training: 


1. 1x Video Story for Children about Resilience: Gain exclusive access to a captivating video story designed for children. This interactive video story teaches children in a simple way a basic strategie to find solutions to deal with difficult situations.

2. 1 x Cerebro Holistico StoryMap (printed and digital): Receive 20 different stories to guide your sessions with children. These special designed materials are made to facilitate hands-on learning and self-discovery.

3. 1 x Cerebro Holistico Strategy Map (printed and digital): Receive 20 different strategies to start support children in using their whole brain during their day to day life. These special designed strategies are made to facilitate a fast impact and result.

4. 1 x Cerebro Holistico Training Manual: Receive a detailed training manual crafted to assist you in organizing and leading your own sessions with  children. This comprehensive guide covers everything from session planning to effective facilitation, ensuring you are well-prepared to make a meaningful impact.

4. 1 x Downloadable Resilience Explanation Poster: Access a downloadable parentposter that explains the different components about the resilience puzzle. This resource is an excellent visual aid for parents  and children, breaking down the components of resilience in a clear and engaging manner.

5. 2 x Downloadable Relaxation exercise posters: Access to 3 downloadable childposter that you can use to help children learn how to relax their mind and body.

6. 1 x Mogo almohada de comunicación holistica: que permite a los padres y  profesionales hacer las preguntas correctas para fortalecer la conexión y confianza, brindando así autorregulación en los niños.

.6. 1 x Pared interactiva del Bosque Magico de Mogo con 80 figuras de autoidentificacion.

Upon completing the training, you’ll be equipped to:

  • organize and facilitate 2o different Cerebro Holistico workshop sessions
  • organize and facilitate different Cerebro Holistico workshop sessions groups in educational settings
  • organize and facilitate tdifferent Cerebro Holistico workshop sessions your own established/still to establish workshopcentre
  • Receive information about opening a Mogo’s world in your own region.

.What ever you choose to do, you’ll be at the forefront of fostering wellbeing and resilience in a holistic way in order to improve well-being of your clients.

Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of a community dedicated to fostering resilience in the hearts and minds of the future. Enroll now and embark on a fulfilling path of personal and professional growth as a Whole Brain Resilience Practitioner




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